Revealed! 6 Food can cause diarrhea silently! Number 1 and 5 Attention!


TRIBUNBATAM.ID-Maintain alone the diet was not able to guarantee can be fully healthy.

Because if you eat bad foods quickly, you may have diarrhea.

Diarrhea, characterized by movements of the intestine that are the liquid texture.

This condition should make you willing to walk to the bathroom to defecate.

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Well, some of these foods should be eaten enough, or can be avoided if you often have diarrhea problems.

1. Coffee
Coffee can be a cause of diarrhea for some people.

Caffeine, which is the main ingredient of coffee, stimulates rapid contraction of the intestine, so that food can move faster and not be absorbed.

The coffee is acidic and can exacerbate some stomach problems.

2. Wheat bread

Gluten is a mixture of proteins contained in whole wheat bread.

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