Revealed! It turns out that the most HIV / AIDS in the city of Pontianak


Journalist Report Pontianak, Syahroni

– Throughout the year 2017, the Pontianak HIV / AIDS Response Commission found a case of new discoveries of Pontianak people who have HIV-AIDS infections 140 people

According to the secretary of the APC of the city of Pontianak, Lusi Nuryanti has increased compared to the previous year (2016) which has reached only 128.

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"The data of people with HIV-AIDS Pontianak we hope that Pontianak will eliminate a new infection, currently an average of 100 new people infected in the city of Pontianak each year," said Lusi Nuryanti during an interview at the Commission AIDS AIDS Commission held a coordination meeting between the networks. order to ensure national health insurance. The activity took place at the Orchard Hotel, Jalan Gajahmada Pontianak, Wednesday (11/7/2018).

The high results of newly infected people, he called homework with all parties who have interests.

The parties were first in handling HIV-AIDS surrounds the key population, not to spread it anywhere.

For example, commercial bad, injecting drug users and it turns out that the phenomenon has changed in recent years for housewives and homobaduals (homo sensual) HIV-AIDS

"So Now the program has started to grow thanks to people worried about AIDS and men who work in groups, we are raising awareness and treating people with HIV.Participation Beneficiaries (PBI) or BPJS from Government because they are also people can not afford, "he explained.

Recognized Lusi at the Social Services, Health Units and Bappeda of Pontianak City to help people living with HIV / AIDS.

But the most serious is to have registered these people living with HIV. AIDS, because the rules also require that if you want to receive this badistance BPJS hrus a family.

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