Reverse Tour Boat in Thai waters, dozens of lost Chinese tourists


PHUKET, – Dozens of Chinese pbadengers are missing, after a pbadenger boat capsized due to strong winds while he was sailing on the high seas near the coast. Thai island of Phuket, Thursday (07/07/2018). 19659002] The ship was carrying about 90 pbadengers during a large wave caused by high winds and ships in reverse.

The rescue operation was conducted directly by lifeboats and lasted until the night

Noraphat Plodthong, at least 49 people, accounting for more than half of the total number of pbadengers , are still being rescued.

Read also: The ship wrecked in Bogota, the dead killed increases to 9 people

From the pier of Phuket, it seems that the surviving pbadengers are curled up in a blanket, while in the middle of the day they are in the air. a number of other pbadengers in Medic (19459007), the boat was on the way back to Phuket, departing from Koh Racha, a southern tourist island, around 1600 local time

Midway through the trip the weather was deteriorating with a hurricane. and big waves. According to him, the boat was knocked over by the waves up to five meters, causing the entry of water into the ship and the flooding of the interior of the vessel

. wear a lifejacket and start lowering a life raft.

Governor Noraphat said the authorities in Phuket had issued warnings of bad weather since Wednesday (07/07/2018) and warned residents of a possible storm. Tonight, ten cruise ships would be stranded in the sea and would have been taken over by police and navy rescue boats, "he said.

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