RI about the Jewish State Law approved by the Israeli Parliament


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The Indonesian government opposes the legislation of the Jewish state of 19659003 approved by the Israeli parliament on July 19th.

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi called for the ratification of the law threatening the existence of Arabs and Palestine in Israel

"The adoption of a law on the Jewish state on July 19th denied the rights of Palestinians in Israel, "Retno said after receiving the Malaysian Foreign Minister's visit to his office in Jakarta on Monday (July 23rd). 19659004] In addition, Retno also considers that the new rules increasingly threaten the settlement of Israeli and Palestinian conflicts on the basis of the two-state solution.

Not only Indonesia, the law is also challenged by a number of parties, especially Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

Some parties fear that the new racist regime will increasingly lead to Arab discrimination in Israel.

The new rules make Hebrew a national language and establish the establishment of the Jewish community as one of the interests of the state. The Arabic language, previously considered the official language of the country, now only enjoys a special status.

The law also establishes Israel as the historical homeland of the Jewish nation and declares that the people have the right to determine their destiny on their own territory.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu considers the pbadage of the law as a reinforcement of the legitimacy of the state of Israel. 62-55 in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, the rule continues to reign in national protests, including left-wing politicians.

With this ratification, the law of the Jewish state becomes officially part of the legal basis of the state. 19659004] (aal)

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