RI debt problem, Count Prabowo and the government different Rp 460 billion


    AA Maramis Building at the Ministry of Finance Complex

AA Maramis Building at the Ministry of Finance Complex (Photo: Wikipedia)

Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance) gave information on the declaration of the President of the Gerindra Party Prabowo Subianto, who said that Indonesia's debt has reached Rp 9 trillion. Prabowo also mentioned that the debt is already dangerous.
Nufransa Wira Sakti, head of the Ministry of Finance's Office of Communications and Information Services, said: debt not a goal and not a plague, so do not be used as a political commodity to scare the people. According to him, public debt, including sharia, is a financing instrument that can be used by the state to achieve its goals, provided that it is carefully managed, accountable, transparent and accountable.

"As a result, the country's debt and financial management policies are overseen by various institutions such as Moodys, Fitch S & P, JCRA (Japanese Credit Rating Agency) and R & I (Rating & Investment). said coil, Thursday (28/6).

It also describes Indonesia's debt data in 2017. It is based on Bank Indonesia (BI) public sector statistics (SUSPI) in December 2017.

The debt is made up of three groups:
– Central government debt: Rp. 4.060 billion dollars.
– State non-financial public debt: 630 billion rupiahs.
– State-owned enterprises (including state-owned banks): Rs 3,850 billion.
Thus, the total amount of the debt is Rp 8.540 billion (Rp 13.492 exchange rate)

"Far from Rp. 9 trillion, Mr. Prabowo said that Pak Prabowo uses the exchange rate of 14,000 Rp / USD, while the position of the 2017 BI data (SUSPI) uses the exchange rate of 13,492 Rp / USD" , did he declare.

Illustration of money

Agents arrange money to Bank Indonesia (Photo: Aditya Noviansyah)

With the difference in the exchange rate used, the debt version of the Indonesia version of Prabowo and Kemenkeu there is a difference of Rp 460. billion.

Frans also explained that the debt of public financial institutions such as Bank Mandiri, BNI, BRI, BTN amounted to Rs 3,850 billion, most of which is 80%, or nearly Rs 3 trillion ( DPK), that is public funds, which puts funds in banks other than for the purpose of saving, the fund is actually an instrument of productive financing invetasi economy.

Nonfinancial public enterprises are state-owned enterprises (BUMN) that perform BUMN activities, including the construction of infrastructure such as power plants and power plants, toll roads, seaports and aerial and other productive activities of BUMN.

BUMN's debts are badets and liabilities that are segregated in accordance with the State Finance Law and are not automatically badumed by the government. BUMN's debt is BUMN's obligation to repay, and the company is secured by BUMN's badets.

"For public debts guaranteed by the government, managed prudently and controlled in a disciplined manner and declared openly and transparently," he said.

Construction workers at Kuala Tanjung port

Construction workers at Kuala Tanjung port (Photo: Wendiyanto Saputro / reel)

In calculating the level of risk of debt, its size is compared to its ability to pay. For public debt, size is the economic capacity (GDP) and the ratio of repayment and interest obligations to state revenues. While corporate debt is measured against badets and income streams.

"As a politician who owns the company, Mr. Prabowo understands that it's normal for a company to be in debt, even companies that conduct business operations almost always use the financing debt, from which unrealized working capital and credits ". Frans.

"The debts as long as are used to produce the product and generate income, then the bonds will be repaid," he added.

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