RI wins trial on oil palm oil in France


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Indonesian government wins lawsuit against advertising Palm oil Indonesia in Lyon, France. According to the official decision of the French commission of advertising ethics (Public Deantology Jury / JDP), an Indonesian palm oil advertisement published by the Indonesia Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) does not violate the rules.

"The result of the JDP's decision is a legal victory for Indonesia because the JDP's decision does not respond to the plaintiff's complaint that ITCP Lyion's advertisement is incorrect and unfounded," said the managing director. Foreign Trade Minister Oke Nurwan Wednesday (27/6).

With this victory, according to him, the government has managed to maintain the image of Indonesian palm oil as a more sustainable and environmentally friendly product.

Nevertheless, the Minister of Commerce Enggartiasto Lukita reminded to remain vigilant in the care of Indonesian palm oil.

"Indonesia should always prepare for measures that the EU could take to prevent the re-entry of palm oil into the European market," said Enggar.

At the end of last year, ITPC Lyon has released an advertisement with information "Indonesian palm oil is more sustainable and more environmentally friendly".

The advertising of palm oil is reported to JDP. The complainant filed a statement in the advertisement as a false and unfounded statement.

The government is focusing on the ongoing fight against deforestation and global warming, one of them supporting sustainable and environmentally friendly palm oil production. . At the international level, Indonesia is a member Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) which was established in 2004 and defines sustainable palm oil and sets the certification system of palm oil (certified sustainable palm oil / CSPO).

In addition, Indonesia is committed to the European Union by 2015 in the framework of the European Sustainable Palm Oil (ESPO) project, which contributes to improving the compliance with the certification standards defined by the RSPO.

In 2011, Indonesia introduced ISPO certification, which also became an effort to better supervise production. ISPO certification complements a panel of good management practices, such as Good Agricultural Practices and Manufacturing Practices, ISO 9001, 14000, 2600 Standards and Occupational Health and Safety Management (SMK3). (Acted)

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