Riau ambition to join the Rokan block


Pekanbaru (ANTARA News) – The provincial government of Riau admits to having sent a letter containing the desire to participate in the management of the Rokan block whose contractor PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia will end in 2021.

" We wrote that we want to participate in the management of the Rokan block "The Governor also consulted the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources," said Monday the Assistant II of Setdaprov Riau, in charge of Business Economic and Development, Masperi to Pekanbaru.

For the moment, his party can only expect center. While the BUMD is prepared PT Sarana Pembangunan Riau and Riau Petroleum

In addition there also PT Bumi Siak Pusako although the largest part is the district government of Siak

"We also have a meeting with the Malaysian Institute customary Riau. "The government will decide the future of the Rokan Block cooperation contract in Riau, after the end of Chevron's contract term as manager of the oil and gas field in September 2021. It was announced that it would be announced that Tuesday (31/7) is the last day.

In deciding this, the ESDM Ministry received a PT CPI proposal from PT Pertamina (Persero). Chevron as an oil contractor proposed a extension of the Rokan Block contract to the government in mid-July, followed by PT Pertamina

Chevron opened the possibility of extending Rokan Block's contract after the promulgation of the regulation of the Minister of Energy and Energy. Mineral Resources 23 of 2018 on the management of oil and gas work areas that will terminate their contract of employment.In this rule, the government provides the opportunity for existing contractors to obtain an extension of contract at the end of s oil and gas blocks or the cooperation contract has expired.

Rokan Block is an aging oil and gas field with an area of ​​6,264 square kilometers. . The fields of Minas and Duri in Rokan Block even started producing more than half a century ago. At that time, Chevron still called Caltex.

Despite the old pitch and already exceeding the phase of primary and secondary oil acquisition, the appeal of Rokan Block remains strong. As the largest oil and gas field in Southeast Asia and the level of production that remained shining for decades, the Rokan Block became the target of Pertamina and Chevron. This proved that these two oil and gas giants are ready to fight for block management rights.

Read also: Observer: The government saves $ 70 billion in foreign exchange if the Rokan bloc is managed by Pertamina
See also: The government is asked to hand over the Rokan block to Pertamina

Publisher: Sri Muryono

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