Ride Jeep, Risma Arak Charter Lee Kuan Yew Roving Surabaya


– The Mayor of Surabaya Tri Rismaharini paraded Lee Kuan Yew's prize in the city of Surabaya on Tuesday (10/7/2018).

The prestigious world-clbad city award was presented from the Korem headquarters to the Waru roundabout at Surabaya City Hall on the mayor of Jalan Mustajab which is more than 11 kilometers away [19659003] Read also: The house is big and has a car, so our SKTM We refuse …

Lee Kuan Yew Charter received Risma Monday in Singapore was parade in an open jeep car

Participated in the parade, members of Surabaya Muspida such as Kapolrestabes Surabaya, Kombes Rudi Setiawan, Kapolrestabes Tanjung Perak AKPP Antonius Agus Rahmanto, Danrem Bhaskara Jaya / 084 Colonel (inf) Colonel Kav M Zulkifli, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Surabaya Armuli, and Mayor Deputy Surabaya Wisnu Sakti Buana

In addition to Lee Kuan Yew's charter, there were also 3 other international awards of A SEAN Tourism Forum, A Green City 2017, and City of Learning. ; UNESCO.

"We have won some awards, so that people also know that we receive a lot of international awards. It is thanks to the hard work of all the citizens of Surabaya."

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For the Lee Kuan Yew Award, Surabaya City won the Special Category Award

"We have already participated twice but failed, Alhamdulillah Special Mention ", said Risma

Awards in the same category are also obtained by the city of Hamburg (Germany), Kazan (Russia) and Tokyo (Japan)

"This means that Surabaya is parallel to"

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For Risma, the price is not the main purpose of the development of Surabaya. according to him is the parameter that the success of development can be measured. "The price is only one parameter, the main purpose of the development is the well-being of the citizens of Surabaya," he said

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