Rini aims for the official Inalum of Freeport Capone in mid-July


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) divestment negotiation process by holding PT Indonesia Asahan Alumunium (Inalum) entered the final phase.

Minister of Public Enterprises (SOE) Rini Soemarno aims in the next two weeks to sign the 19459007 Joint Venture Agreement between Inalum and PTFI's parent company, Freeport McMoran .

"We point out that the joint venture is clear," Rini said on the sidelines of a bihalal halal event at his home on Saturday (30/6).

Rini said that the government wanted the joint venture formed to be managed transparently and professionally. On Freeport-McMoRan's side, Rini said the business operation should be conducted independently and openly without government intervention.

"The 19459007 joint venture becomes very detailed because we want to stay ahead in the event of a dispute. What we need to keep the company's operations going is to continue and provide benefits to shareholders and local communities." [19659004] Environment

In addition to the finalization of the documents joint venture the government and Freeport still discusses environmental issues.

Earlier, Siti Nurbaya, Minister of Environment and Forests (LHK), confirmed that PTFI is responsible for managing hazardous waste for the environment.

Thus, PTFI is required to improve the management of Hazardous Hazardous Wastes (B3 Waste) in its tailings in the Ajkwa or Modified Ajkwa Storage Area (ModADA) storage area in the Regency of Mimika, Papua. KLHK also gave a six-month transition period to PTFI to manage tailings, from 175-2018 of April 2018.

However, PTFI spokesman Riza Pratama said: company is not able to handle as Kepmen LHK 175/2018 mandated. With respect to the divestment value of 51% of Freeport-McMoran's shares in PTFI, Rini was not prepared to provide detailed figures prior to the signing of the related documents.

However, Rini disclosed his value around the United States. $ 3.5 to $ 4 billion. This figure was submitted to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) before Lebaran last.

The calculation also includes the conversion of mining rights of Rio Tinto mining companies by 40% in the Grasberg mine

"This is a finalization (transfer value) of between 3.5 and 4 billion dollars US would say if we did not sign, "he said. (asa)

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