Rocket explodes after takeoff in Japan


This failure was the second after the launch of the first rocket last July

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TOKYO – Unmanned rockets crushed and became large fireballs a few seconds after take-off at Japan. TV images were taken during the Saturday crash on the northernmost island of Japan

The Japanese company Interstellar Technologies Startup Company studies why a 33-foot rocket did not succeed to take off. "We have not been able to achieve what we expected," Takahiro Inagawa, chairman of the company, told Mainichi newspaper

This was the second failure after the launch of the first rocket last July. . The project was launched in 2005 by non-conformist entrepreneur Takafumi Horie, founder of internet service provider Livedoor, who joins science journalists and other space fans in order to develop small light rockets and cheap. ] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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