Rohingya boy wounded by shooting of Burmese border officers


DHAKA, – A Rohingya child refugee in an area of ​​non-residents near the Bangladesh border was wounded by a gunshot that would come from a Myanmar customs officer.

The incident occurred Thursday (28/6/2018)) with a 10-year-old boy, Ansar Ullah, sustained a gunshot wound in his thigh. The boy was injured while he was playing near a barbed wire fence established by Myanmar on the border.

"Children were playing near the fence in the afternoon when a bullet fired from a police station peacekeeping on Ansar" One of the leaders of the citizens, Di Mohammad

The boy, reported AFP was injured in the thighs and had to be rushed to the hospital run by the Transfrontier Doctors Organization (MSF) for treatment.

See also: The fired military of Myanmar related to Rohingya violence

The incident that injured the boy angered Rohingya refugees and called the border guards to to be embarrbaded.

"Is he a 10-year-old? They should be ashamed after firing on unarmed boys, "said another local leader, Mohammad Arif 659002] Lieutenant-Colonel Manzurul Hasan Khan, commander of the Bangladesh Border Guard (BGB), said the firing came from the border of a land area without Myanmar

"But we can not say whether the shot came from the border post. We will send a protest to the BGP, "he said.

Earlier, Myanmar security forces urged Rohingya refugees to leave the land of no man's and immediately enter Bangladesh or to do so. in response to demands in Myanmar, complete troops with heavy weapons, but later withdrawn after criticism of refugees

See also: Myanmar claims dozens of Rohingyas Volunteers

The refugee issue Rohingya escaping the threat of violence in the village their homes in Rakhine, Myanmar and fled to Bangladesh and no man's zone has yet to show signs of colonization.

The Myanmar government with Bangladesh has signed a repatriation agreement.

But the repatriation process has not yet started … obstacles, including suggestions from the United Nations mention of the situation in Myanmar has not favored the return of Rohingya refugees [19] (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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