Rohingya Repatriation Protocol Does Not Guarantee Freedom Outside Rakhine


Security and citizenship will not be guaranteed to Rohingya Muslims

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YANGON – The security of the Rohingya Muslim ethnic minority will not be guaranteed when they return to Myanmar. It was obtained under an agreement between the Government of Myanmar and the United Nations (UN) secretly.

The United Nations has agreed to a treaty with Myanmar at the end of May. The British News Agency Reuters who saw the memorandum of understanding, lowered the report on Saturday, June 30, an agreement containing the return of hundreds of thousands of Rohis who fled to Bangladesh . The agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Myanmar has been disclosed in the virtual world

The UN requests them to return safely and on the basis of a personal choice . Nevertheless, repatriation without describing the refugee return process in more detail.

The Memorandum of Understanding stipulates that refugees will have freedom of movement in Rakhine State in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. However, the memorandum of understanding does not guarantee freedom beyond Rakhine's borders. As a result, refugees returning to Myanmar do not obtain freedom of movement outside the Rakhine region.

There was no official statement by the Myanmar government on this subject. "If this is the case, repatriating the Rohingyas to Rakhine means sending them back to the apartheid region, where they can not move freely and have difficulty accessing schools, hospitals and jobs," Amnesty International said. . Laura Haigh

Citizenship and refugee repayment are at the heart of the agreement during the agreement negotiations, so that the Rakhine conflict will be resolved soon.

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