Rohingya visit, Secretary-General of the United Nations hear stories unimaginable


Jakarta, Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres confessed to hearing "unimaginable" stories of violence that struck the Rohingya ethnic minority during a visit to refugee camps at the border Bangladesh Monday (Guterres describes the persecution that hit the Rohingyas as a "nightmare of human rights and humanity."

"At the Cox refugee camp at Bazaar in Bangladesh, I've heard the unimaginable story of the murder and rape of Rohingya refugees who recently fled Myanmar, wanting justice and safe return, "Guterres launched on Twitter on Thursday (7 / 2). "The Rohingyas are one of the most discriminated and vulnerable communities on the planet."

Guterres, accompanied by World Bank Chief Jim Yong Kim, sees his visit to Rohingya camp as a "mission of solidarity for the Rohingya community and the community that has helped them."

"The Compbadion and Generosity of Bangladeshis (19459013).

Bangladesh has at least 700,000 Rohingya refugees fleeing Rakhine, Myanmar, after the deteriorating humanitarian crisis in the region in August 2017.

Myanmar army reportedly expelled, tortured, raped and killed members of minorities in Rakhine, particularly in Rohingya, who were considered by local residents as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh.

The UN Security Council delegation in May also met with Rohingya refugees in camps of humanity and asked for their testimony about alleged violations of human rights by the United Nations. Myanmar army.

The advisory government of Aung San Suu Kyi continues to be in the spotlight Rohingya, his own citizen.

  Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General, calls nightmare violence against the Rohingyas UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres calls the violence against the Rohingya a nightmare. (REUTERS / Lucas Jackson)

Up to now, the Burmese army continues to refute allegations of Rohingya ethnic cleansing efforts, although some groups of human rights guards have found evidence violence to arbitrarily burn Rakhine Rohingya village

. started the repatriation of refugees last November, even though it has not yet been effective.

Up to now, only about 200 Rohingya refugees have been sent home to Rakhine. Some Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh refuse to return home if the Burmese government guarantees security and responds to requests for citizenship. .fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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