BANYUWANGI, KOMPAS.com – PT Inka will build a railway factory in Banyuwangi District with an investment of Rp 1.6 billion.
The plant will be built on 84 hectares belonging to PTPN XII at Desa Ketapang Kecamatan Kalipuro
The first phase of development is expected to begin in late 2018 and is expected to take place in 2020.
"The factory Inka railway in Madiun has narrow land while domestic train orders are increasing and so we need new factories and Banyuwangi, "said Minister of Public Enterprises Rini Soemarno in Banyuwangi, Sunday (1/7 / 2018).
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Rini explains, PT Inka exports from certain countries including the Philippines, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Singapore and Australia.
"We are also negotiating with Thailand regarding the purchase of the railroad Hopefully that with this second plant, PT Inka can dominate the market in Southeast Asia, in South Asia and e n Africa, "adds Rini.
PT Inka's second factory in Banyuwangi is located near the port of Tanjungwangi which supports the company in the delivery of finished products. Off the island of Java
"It is also located on the Probowangi toll road (Probolinggo-Banyuwangi) whose completion is scheduled for the end of 2019. The exit from the entrance toll on factory land, "said Rini.
Meanwhile, PT Inka's Director of Finance and Human Resources, Mohamad Nur Sodiq, admitted that his company is completing the licensing process. Do you want PT Inka Mendunia
The plan, this modern factory will be used to produce railroad installations in aluminum and stainless steel.
"Ongoing badet disposal management In BPN, once again taken over from Hak Guna Usaha (HGU) to Hak Guna Bangunan (HGB) .We also take care of the licenses in the district government Banyuwangi regency is very support we are in this licensing business, "said Sodiq.
Sodiq explained, the train factory in Banyuwangi should have 4 line. Capacity, 1 car / day If construction is complete, a day can produce 5-6 trains a day .It is enough to test all the types of trains we manufacture ", Sodiq concludes
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