Rp 1 billion dollars for the development of the gas network


BANDUNG, KOMPAS.com – The government is preparing a budget of 1 trillion Rp by 2018 to build 70 000 gas lines (jargas) in Indonesia

"This year's budget is 1 million to 70,000 connections. "Herman Khaeron, chairman of Commission VII of the House of Representatives (DPR), said at a seminar at the National Assembly of KAHMI National Council in Bandung on Friday (29/8/2018). [19659002] Herman stated that the government was focusing on infrastructure, but in terms of gas and fuel piping, it should be improved.

Whereas jargas is a solution for suppliers of gas and fuel piping. domestic energy to replace the tubes that are often problematic.

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"The tubes are problematic such as rare, expensive prices, etc. With jargas go directly in the household and the price remains unchanged, "he said.

In addition, jargas efficiency compared to the gas tube reach 50 percent Jargas price Rp 1,750 per cubic meter. However, the subsidized gas reaches 6,000,196 59008 Rp. "With 50% efficiency, the government can in the long run allocate the state budget by converting the subsidized network to the transport network for the community," he said.

Dilo Seno Widagdo The director of infrastructure and technology of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) said the government, through PGN, is targeting one million gas networks in Indonesia. The development is done gradually each year.

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"The number of households in Indonesia is currently 126 million We are aiming or we want a or two years in advance he may be awake "This program is for Sulawesi, Papua, Kalimantan, Java, all over Indonesia, this gas network will be directly connected to the household," said Dilo.

This program is a long-term effort long to reduce the LPG subsidy.At present, Indonesia's gas reserves are sufficient for the next 70 years

However, oil reserves are dwindling. the gas network is much more efficient and safer than LPG

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