Run Sanctions, US determined to cut Iranian oil exports to zero


WASHINGTON, – The United States remains committed to zeroing Iranian oil exports to force a change in the state's position. Decisions Rejected by Oil-Importing Countries

Spoken by top US official Brian Hook who leads negotiations with Allied countries on strategy against Iran, Washington estimates that world oil reserves are enough to replace troops Iranian.

million. Hook added that US secondary sanctions against companies dealing with Iran would begin to have repercussions on August 6 on the auto and metals trade and as of November 4 on Oil and Banking Transactions

Nuclear Failure

A number of sanctions are given to US policy since the withdrawal of President Donald Trump from a nuclear agreement in early March. ;year.

The ultimatum imposed by the United States contributed to the rise in world oil prices. Trump believes this can be offset by an increase in Arab oil production "Our goal is to increase pressure on the Iranian regime by reducing revenue from crude oil sales to zero," said Hook, who is Director of Policy and Planning, Department of State, United States

. disruption of the global market. We believe in the existence of sufficient global oil reserves, "he added, as reported by The New Arab .

Bank sanctions resume on November 4, according to Hook, locking more Iranian badets abroad 19659002] The sanctions policy should receive the approval of European companies, although the British, French and German governments supporting the Iranian nuclear agreement of 2015 continue to persuade the United States to remain in agreement.

Read also: Israel calls for the Arab and West Military Coalition against Iran

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