Rupiah continues to decline, will PLN increase rates of return?


TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID – Post-Rupiah which continues to weaken against US dolas, PT PLN (Persero) guarantees not to increase electricity tariffs while operating costs PLN are certainly inflated

"(Electricity tariff) Thus the burden of PLN (increase) will be calculated by the government in the form of grant for next year," said Sofyan Basir, chairman of the PLN, Saturday, June 30. approximately Rs. 5 trillion will be paid in 2019 after verification by the Supreme Audit Office (BPK). For the year 2016, he continued, the debt of government subsidies is still around Rp2 billion to Rp billion.

The ongoing weakening of the exchange rate affects the surge in corporate spending. The company still has to pay a certain amount in US dollars. For example, for the payment of the company's electricity production to private producers as well as the repayment of the debt in foreign currency.

In recent days, the rupee has depreciated against the global dollar due to the risk of a trade war between the United States and China. In fact, the Rupiah exchange rate broke the 14 400 Rp for the US dollar on Friday (29 June).

"Indeed, a significant leap (exchange rate of the rupee) has reached 14,400 Rp (per US dollar) .I hope so," said Sofyan.

If the rupee continues to weaken, it will affect PLN's gains at the time of closing the book. However, Sofyan did not mention how much the workload borne by the company was heavy. (*)

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