TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Money Market Analyst Bank Mandiri Reny Eka Putri predicts the rupiah to move in the range of Rp 14,335 – Rp 14,405 today, July 4, 2018. According to Reny, the external sentiment is still very strong, although today the United States
"The potential for trade war and tariff policy between the United States, China and the United States continues," said Mr. Reny Wednesday. Push Export
On the official website of Bank Indonesia, JAPAN recorded the rupee against the US dollar at Rp 14,331 at the close of Monday, July 2, 2018. This figure shows a gain of 73 points compared to the previous value of Rp 14.404 at the end of Friday, June 29, 2018.
While on July 2, 2018, the selling rate of US $ 1 against the rupee, which is 14.403 Rp and the purchase rate of Rpt 14259. [19659005] Check also: Rupiah Touch Level 14.450, Perry Warjiyo: Tak Need P (19659004) On the official website of Bank Indonesia, JAPAN recorded the rupee against the US dollar at 14,418 Rp at the close of Tuesday, July 3, 2018. This figure shows a strengthening of 87 points compared to the previous value of 14,331 Rp at the close of Monday, July 2, 2018.
While July 3, 2018, the rate of sale of 1 US dollar against rupiah is 14,490 Rp and the purchase rate of 14,346 Rp.
Reza Priyamba da, Senior Analyst that Reza estimates that the rupee will be in the range of 14,425 Rp to 14,350 Rp.
"The movement of the rupiah does not improve in the middle of the expectations of resistance after the rise in the rate of Reference interest of Indonesia Bank ". Sri Mulyani Indrawati on the synergy of cooperation between the government, the Bank of Indonesia, OJK and other related institutions to curb the fluctuation of the weakness of the rupiah, does not seem yet fully responded by the actors of the market
amidst an attitude of market players who are back in search of US dollars ahead of the US economic press releases and the Fed's minutes on Thursday, said Reza about forecasts of exchange rate rupiah ! , e, v, n, t, s)
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