Rupiah will continue to falter – Daily MedanBisnis


Today, Pkl. 08:06 WIB • Read: 13 times •

MedanBisnis – Jakarta. The value of rupiah
against the US dollar (US) should continue to experience
weakening, although Friday (29/6) had strengthened to the level of Rp 14,291.

economic observer Fuad Bawazier said that strengthening the rupee after the announcement of the increase in the rate of Interest 7 day repo rate is only valid.

"I have repeatedly reminded and noted that during the year 2018 the rupiah will tend to weaken, there may be some moments of rupiah as strengthening but this It's only temporary and then will further weaken, "said Fuad in his statement. Saturday (30/6).
So, he baderted, if we pulled a long lineage or futures contracts, the rupee's movement will continue to weaken.

Exchange rate, the strengthening of the rupiah yesterday was only a temporary effect of interest rates Repo Days Repo Rate is increased or while there is an intervention on the market by BI. "But all" strong medicine "is not a risk, arouse interest will weigh on our economy and harder to compete with other countries.Exchange intervention will undermine our declining foreign exchange reserves", he explained.
According to Fuad, the core of the weakening of the rupiah is that the supply of dollars or dollar earnings in the national economy is below demand or needs. "In its economic language, it is estimated that the current account deficit in Indonesia is estimated at $ 25 billion, which is the main source of the rupee's weakening against the dollar," he said. . (dtf)

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