RupiahPlus Troubled Billing, How Does Fintech Prevent Bad Debt?


Since its emergence, financial technology (fintech) has accompanied the rapidity in financial services, including the disbursement of credit. The badysis of numerical data in the determination of credit scores shortened the approval period but beyond that, the risk of unproductive loans was significant.

To avoid it, fintech different approach. The new projector for example, RupiahPlus uses the debtor's contact list, then contacts them to recover the debt.

In some complaints, the debt collector even uses hard words with threats. Confessing badly, RupiahPlus' director, Bimo Adhiprabowo, also sacked 5 to 6 employees. "The actions to recover the offending debts are in no way part of the official billing of RupiahPlus," says Bimo.

There is no standard rule regarding debt collection procedures for fintech in Indonesia. Therefore, the Fintech Association (Aftech) seeks only the code of conduct .

Legal Coordinator of the Fintech Loan Division Aftech Chandra Kusuma states that billing must be ethical and comply with statutory provisions. "No verbal abuse, mental stress, or worsening of a person's condition," he said. While RupiahPlus is struggling, what about other fintech?

(Read also: RupiahPlus Debt Collection Indicated Break Two Rules)

This type of loan between peers implements a personal guarantee and a more stringent credit badessment at earliest . Therefore, companies do not need to contact emergency contacts such as RupiahPlus in case of default problem

"We do not exist emergency contact Directly to the consumer, "Modal Reynold Wijaya's CEO told Katadata on Tuesday (3/7).

In addition, Modal also opens alternative or diversified investment options such as equities. , bonds, gold, deposits, borrow, so the risk borne by the lender can be minimized.

Meanwhile, Amartha Mikro Fintek implements a joint liability system containing 10-12 people in a group, so if the One of the members has difficulty paying, another member The payment term was 99.84%, "said Amartha Andi Taufan Garuda Putra CEO and founder.

The company has also deployed a team to monitor the progress of the company from the borrower and provide badistance.Every week, the team will visit the borrower, in addition to taking the deposit also provides guidance related to the management of finances.

(Also read: Comparison of access to RupiahPlus and other Fintech user data)

There are also KoinWorks, which provide protection funds to anticipate unproductive loans or unproductive loans (NPL). Later, this fund will be given to the borrower (creditor) whose loan has not been paid until the deadline is determined. The amount of the compensation is adjusted to the loan of grade invested

This protection fund is similar to the reserves applied by the banks. Banks are required to take into account impairment losses (CKPN) in anticipation of non-performing loans. Meanwhile, fintech these issues are unregulated.

Meanwhile, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) has just drafted a circular on the loan-to-lend agreement of application-based technology companies for financial services. The circular will then govern the activity of Fintech borrowing or loan between peers .
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