Russia gives Syrian rebels within 12 hours of Daraa to surrender


DAMASKUS, – Russia gives Daraa's Syrian rebel group time to surrender its weapons within 12 hours

The Russian Peace Center announces that it will impose a cease-fire 12-hour fire at Daraa to allow the negotiations process and possible rebels to surrender.

The ceasefire will begin on Friday, June 29, 2013 at midnight and the bombing will be launched at noon if the rebels do not agree to surrender.

The pro-regime al-Masdar website says the rebel group has been contacted Russia has to propose a cease-fire and opposition lodge demands in the south

Read also: Syrian military attack in the Daraa region, 45,000 escaped populations

This includes the transfer of provincial control to the regime and the handing over of heavy weapons While members of the rebel forces will be forced to join local regime police they want to stay in Daraa

For those who do not want to be in Daara, one must join thousands of other rebels and civilians who leave the Syrian opposition to Idlib. or part of Aleppo

The city of Daraa bombs and shoots daily since the Syrian regime launched an attack on the territory on June 19.

The regime's forces took control of the eastern part of Daraa against the rebels but have not yet managed to defeat them completely


At least 17 civilians were killed, including five children in a bomb attack on Thursday (28/06/2018) that hit directly in the basement where they hid.

Read also: Jordan admits to being unable to be (19459004)

The United Nations urged Russia and the Syrian regime's forces to stop their bombing to allow citizens of the country to be killed. clear out.

They also warned that there were still 750,000 people stranded in the combat zone because Jordan was refusing to open the border. . [Fonction (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?
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