Sabotage, 11 employees of the Venezuelan oil company arrested


The alleged sabotage resulted in a loss of 14 million US dollars. Venezuelan Attorney General Tarek William Saab said on Wednesday that 11 employees of the state oil company Petroleum of Venezuela (PDVSA) were arrested for discrepancies affecting the company in the Orinoco oil belt. [19] 19659003] The arrested worker works in a raw reserve of Jose Antonio Anzoategui and a loading terminal in eastern Venezuela. Saab said that they were suspected of sabotage targeting the oil industry.

The detained employee, he said, was involved in two events that resulted in a $ 14 million loss to the state. The first event, on June 14, caused a stoppage of naphtha oil supply for two companies, PetroMonagas and Petrosinovensa. The company suffered losses of 175,000 barrels of crude oil and $ 11.375 million due to the shutdown of production.

The second act of sabotage took place on June 16 and 17. and Nerissa, "Saab said.

Saab gives Aries Sun the details that he should fill 400 thousand barrels of Zuata 300, produced by PetroCedeno, a subsidiary of PDVSA." Nerissa's boat should contain 1.8 Million barrels of oil from Merey.

Prior to PetroCedeno's announcement, it was known that 200,000 barrels of oil had been lost by Aries Sun.While Nerissa has filled an additional 162,000 barrels of oil

The investigation also shows who was responsible for the mistake of loading oil. PDVSA was forced to pay compensation to consumers for the loss of 2,733,780 US dollars. arrest of the 11 employees, 90 employees of PDVSA were known for disciplinary measures, including 23 senior executives.

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