Sacrificial Consumption of Diphtheria, Menkes Reminds Parents of Being Immune to Childhood – VIVA


VIVA – Health Minister Nila F Moeloek highlights the case of the diphtheria virus that claimed the life of a child in the city of Semarang, Central Java. Nila says that parents are not lazy to make a complete immunization to the child

"If there is one who appears then it must be done vaccination against the epidemic (ORI) Semarang, Tuesday, July 24, 2018.

He explains if the diphtheria virus can not stop like this.The virus will appear continuously if a person does not have a system Immunity good enough.

Therefore, he deeply regrets that there are still parents and schools that refuse to do basic immunization to children.While the vaccination program is powerful to increase the immunity. endurance to support the growth of children so as not to be infected with the diphtheria virus.

Nila will expose the risk of diphtheria will be experienced by anybody, so reluctant to comply with the program. immunization ORI Because the spread of vir it is so fast, as is the case with a family in Semarang

"I therefore ask all parents to participate in the basic vaccination, of course to counter the spread of diphtheria in Semarang".

Recent cases of diphtheria have killed a victim, specifically in the Genuksari area of ​​Semarang. It is BN, a child who died of a severe case of diphtheria. It was only there that four BN brothers contracted the virus and are now in intensive care at General Hospital Dr. Kariadi Semarang

The largest hospital in Central Java recorded a total of 24 treated cases by dipfteri in December 2017 -July 2018. Dozens of cases came from several areas of Central Java, with a total of 5 dead children.


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