Safe flight tips up to infant diabetes



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Luckysky1911 / Shutterstock

In this week's summary, we provide tips on flight safety, as well as why it's important to have a dental record. In addition, there are five other news on children and health.

How to get on a plane safely

Destiny and misfortune that nobody knows. As air pbadengers, we can prepare ourselves. Some experts have suggestions for anticipating emergency situations in flight.

All the plane crashes ended tragically. Experts estimate at 95% the chances of survival in case of crash of the plane. Many evidence of pbadengers survived amidst fatal incidents. How can this be?

Get ready, look for a chair and wear the right clothes, as well as some tips that you can practice while traveling by plane.

Why are dental records important?

Having a history of dental records has many benefits. Dentists specifically recommend everyone to have dental records or dental x-rays for medical and non-medical purposes.

The results of the dental record are called odontograms. This includes the number, shape and arrangement of the teeth.

The main function of dental records is to diagnose dental problems, the requirements of tooth extraction and to recognize dental abnormalities. In addition, dental records are also important because they can facilitate the process of identification.

Dental X-ray results.

Dental X-ray results. |

Bojan Milinkov / Shutterstock

Too often, cell phones are hurting children's mental health

Too much watching TV, playing games, or using a smartphone is badociated with higher levels of anxiety and depression in children and teens.

It was found that one hour in front of the screen caused a decrease in curiosity and emotional stability, less self-control and an increased inability to perform tasks for children under 18 years of age.

The researchers found that teenagers who spent at least seven hours in front of the screen were twice as likely to suffer from anxiety or depression as teens who spent only one hour a day in front of the school. # 39; screen.

95% of children's apps filled with inappropriate ads

Do not let toddlers play with the device without the help of an adult. In fact, many inappropriate ads are used in 95% of apps for kids.

A number of things make an advertisement an inappropriate category. First of all, this advertising is very disturbing because it distracts children when they play.

As a result, make children believe that advertising is part of the game, manipulating the innocence of children so that they are accidentally or forced to buy products.

In addition, some advertisements whose content is not age-appropriate and violate the confidentiality of data by requesting personal data to children.

Give a break of at least a year before falling back pregnant

Women should wait a year or more before deciding to fall pregnant again. This break is necessary to reduce the risk to the health of the mother and the baby later.

For women aged 35 and over, pregnancy is at risk for both themselves and their babies. The highest risk of maternal complications for pregnancy was recorded at a distance of three, six or nine months after the previous pregnancy.

The results of this study should be noted for mothers over 35 years of age. It is best to consider these risk factors if you are planning a new pregnancy.

The food contains sugar.

The food contains sugar. |

Stockcreations / Shutterstock

What is "infant diabetes"?

Unlike the type of diabetes that develops later in life (type II), type I diabetes begins in childhood. Sometimes called "diabetes of the child" for this reason.

In children, type 1 diabetes is a condition when the body no longer produces insulin, a hormone formed in the pancreas to control blood sugar levels. This hormone is important for survival.

So, if the child's body is no longer producing insulin, he must replace it. This can be done by injecting insulin. Taking insulin injections is an important way for diabetic patients to control the amount of glucose in the blood.

Let's get to know this disease better, including symptoms and prevention.

Why can the body have sugar drunk?

When it consumes a lot of carbohydrates, the pancreas secretes insulin, a hormone, into the bloodstream in order to break it down into energy. This process keeps blood glucose at a normal level.

Consumption of foods high in sugar or carbohydrates, such as sweets, sugary snacks, etc., can result in significant sugar consumption in the body, rather than consuming complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice.

The disease occurs when you eat sugary foods when the blood sugar level is low. The condition can be more serious if the food you eat does not contain nutrients and these are good for the body.

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