Satgas Government Appreciation of Food and Entrepreneur Stabilize Food Prices During Ramadan and Lebaran


Journalist, Srihandriatmo Malau

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita appreciates the working group on food and entrepreneurs who acted well to achieve the price basic needs (bapok) before and after fasting and Lebaran 2018.

The appreciation was given by the Minister of Commerce in the form of a reward. A total of 43 awards are being awarded today, Thursday (5/7/2018) at the price stabilization and procurement badessment meeting of Bapok during the fast and Lebaran 2018 at the office. from the Ministry of Commerce, Jakarta.

Read: Lapindo Lapindo "We appreciate the good efforts and synergies between the regional government, the Ministry of Agriculture, Bulog, Satgas Pangan, Bank Indonesia, and the economic actors, so that the price and the Availability of bapok in the month of fasting and Idul Fitri this year This success, he added, is also reflected in the rate of food inflation in May and June 2018.

D & # 39; after data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, food in May and June 2018 was recorded at 0.21% and 0.88%, still reflecting a manageable and controlled condition

In 2017, the rate of inflation of the food category was also controlled by 0.86% in May and 0.69% in June

"This synergy has generated the lowest inflation of the past five years. When comparing the fasting period of the past four years, the rate of inflation, especially in the category of food products, tends to decline, "says the minister

The rate of National inflation in June 2018 was recorded at 0.59%. This value is lower than the national inflation rate of 0.69% in June 2017

In addition, Kemendag establishes a close link between badociations and economic actors to ensure the supply of buckets and the maintenance of the price.

In addition, over the past two years, the Ministry of Commerce has been synergistic with companies, badociations and pesantren pondokpondok throughout Indonesia to maintain a cheap market. 19659003] The cheap market sells cheap grocery packages that are sold below the market price. Read: Zulkifli Hasan Akui Discuss coalition with SBY

Minister Engag said the low-cost market is part of the corporate social responsibility program to help the community.

The proceeds of the sale on the cheap market is always given to the boarding school which is the place where one wants to stand. For example, entrepreneurs help support residential schools.

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