Saudi intelligence chief and Mossad bosses hold meetings Secret


PARIS – Saudi, Egyptian and Jordanian intelligence chiefs reportedly met secret meetings with Mossad director Yossi Cohen. The meeting was to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian peace plan initiated by the United States.

The meeting was initiated by the senior senior officer of the White House who was the son-in-law of President Donald Trump; Jared Kushner, and the US envoy to the Middle East Jason Greenblatt

The report of the intelligence chiefs meeting was revealed Intelligence Online based in France

According to the report , the head of the Security Agency Majid Faraj was also present at the meeting. However, the version of the Palestinian news agency, Maan, Saturday (30/6/2018), the Palestinian Authority refused to send intelligence chiefs to the secret meeting.

Report Intelligence Online which was released on Thursday did not mention the date and location of the intelligence chief's meeting. Haaretz reported last month that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had met with Majid Faraj in the midst of a Palestinian boycott, the Trump government after the US president admitted Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The unconfirmed meeting on both sides was mentioned as occurring when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was hospitalized. According to Haaretz Washington seeks to ensure stability on the Palestinian side when Abbas leaves the political scene or resigns.

Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia have no diplomatic relations with Israel, but under Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman Riyadh has softened his attitude. Senior Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, admitted that they had no diplomatic relations with the Saudis, and Israel has "contacts" with Riyadh that have been secretly kept in general.

Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan gave the green light to the US plan for the Israeli-Palestinian peace process regardless of the Palestinian resistance in Washington as mediator.

Last week, Kushner told the Palestinian newspaper, Al Quds that he was ready to work "If Abbas is ready to return to the negotiating table, we will be ready to participate in the discussion, but that will not happen, we will make a public plan, "said Kushner. "The plan will be ready soon."

"Abbas is afraid we will let go"

In response to Kushner and Greenblatt's visit to the Middle East, Abbas said that the US delegation realized that "we will not be able to do that." it is not at all useful to find alternatives and illusions which are destined to divide the earth (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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