Saudi media lie and get bored in Khashoggi case


SERAMBINEWS.COM, ISTANBUL – Cherkaoui, expert in strategic communication, is also the author of "The Media at War: The Shock of Western and Arab Networks in the Middle East," said after nearly three weeks of denial and blame for others , to the Saudi authorities on October 19, 2018 finally announced that Khashoggi had died as a result of "fighting" at the consulate on October 2 and had arrested 18 Saudis in this case.

In addition, two senior badociates of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (SBM) and three other intelligence agents were fired.

Aside from the honesty of the Saudi version, the badbadination and possible mutilation of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi not only brought a frightening picture of the Saudi regime, but also left a very bad impression on their media.

Read: Saudi Arabia refuses to barely submit the killer Jamal Khashoggi to Turkey. What is the reason?

It should be noted that the Saudi regime has a long history of kidnapping by the enemy.

Trapping dissidents in a meeting and kidnapping them seems to be a common tactic.

For example, Naser al-Sa'id, one of the first opposition leaders of the Saudi royal family, disappeared in Beirut in 1979.

Similarly, Prince Sultan bin Turkey was kidnapped in Geneva and taken to Saudi Arabia in 2003 to be killed, after calling for reform in Saudi Arabia.

In addition, Prince Turki bin Bandar Al-Saud, a former police chief, was also arrested abroad in 2015 and taken to Saudi Arabia for elimination.

The tendency to use repressive and brutal methods against Saudi intellectuals and journalists seems to be reinforced since MBS became the crown prince.

According to The Independent, the Saudi government had planned a similar kidnapping of Khaled bin Farhan al-Saud, a Saudi prince exiled to Germany, ten days before Khashoggi's death.

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