Save! Bulog immediately sells 200 sachets of rice sachet


  Save money! Bulog immediately sells rice bags 200 grams

Bulog helps farmers sell rice with an affordable concept for middle-clbad rice, sold in bags. The packaging of rice in sachet is in line with what President Joko Widodo has suggested

Bulog has planned to sell 200 grams of rice in sachets. First, Bulog will perform a rice bag test at some point to determine the needs of the community.

According to Bulog's chairman, Budi Waseso said the president's request to no longer sell grain but to sell rice is one of the efforts to flourish.

"It is the principle of the state that farmers are not harmed, improve their welfare, now we are working with the Minister of SOE to create a product so that farmers cooperate with us . " in Jakarta, Saturday (30/06/2018).

Some time ago, Budi Waseso mentioned rice bags 200 grams is a premium rice that will be sold at 2500 Rp. Before the rice bag is ready for sale, rice through several stages [19659003] The first step, the packaging itself will be done by the house house economic house, secondly, from the packaging process carried out by the mills later, the rice will be controlled its quality.

farmers have added value. Farmers can be well-being let baseball disadvantaged. If we do not do baseball well-being, "Budi continued.

Perum Bulog will conduct this packet rice test for a month so that the market test can be seen at the level of demand or the needs of the In addition, with the results of the Bulog tests can determine the amount of rice pouch to be produced ranging from 200 grams to 300 grams.

The distribution of rice pouches will be distributed to the mini market, so that people For now, Bulog is ready to sell rice pouches in Central Java, West Java, East Java and South Sulawesi. on sale from the beginning of July.



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