the two leaders of the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) party following the alleged involvement of UMNO in embezzling millions of dollars of investment funds 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) investing in Najib.
Zahid arrived at the MACC building around 9:50 am when Kuala Lumpur used a black SUV. Dressed in a dark blue shirt with a traditional Malay shirt, Zahid got out of his car and smiled at the waiting media team.
Zahid spent about eight hours in his exams yesterday. The Straits Times, MACC investigator interviewed Zahid about meeting with a member of the Saudi kingdom in 2015 who was asked to donate money to Najib
In addition to UMNO's involvement in 1MDB, Zahid
The MACC investigates the alleged abuse of the Malaysian 800,000 ringgit or the equivalent of Rp 2.8 billion to pay his credit card bill and his wife.
In addition to Zahid Hamidi, today 's parliamentarians Johor Baru Shahrir Abdul Samad was also seen visiting the KPK Building in Malaysia
Shahrir said that his arrival at the & 9 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[Thepurposeoftheanti-corruptionbodywastoprovidetheinvestigatorwithanexplanationoftheallegationshehadreceivedfromNajib
. Mansour, has already been reviewed by the anti-corruption commission of Malaysia on allegations of 1MDB scandal allegations. Najib himself has been examined twice by the MACC twice
. However, the anti-corruption agency has not yet established a suspect, although it has found funds in the range of $ 10.6 million to Najib's personal account. A subsidiary of 1MDB
The police even seized hundreds of luxury items from Najib property with a value of Rp.800 billion related to the 1MDB scandal investigation. The former Malaysian Prime Minister insists on rejecting all accusations and admitting that all luxury item is a "gift" of relatives and friends. Function {f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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