Scandal associated with rabies vaccine, Chinese authority captures 15 people


BEIJING, – Chinese authorities arrest 15 people, including the leader of the rabies vaccine company in light of the inspection section of the quality of cheating

] Changchun Changsheng Biotechnology after AFP Wednesday (25/7/2018), the shutdown of the producer's operations caused the Chinese people with concerns about product safety, considering repeated scandal.

The authorities of Changchun did not release the name of the president (19459002) See also: Manufacturers of drugs against dengue fever refused in the Philippines

The scandal of fraud rabies vaccination destroyed trust in regulators who let people China evacuates outrage in social media

The Atlantic proclaimed until recently , Weibo users used a phenomenon related to a vaccine scandal more than 600 million times

. A report on Weibo published by the newspaper People & # 39; s Daily asked people to calm down

"Do not sow panic. The Ministry of Religious Affairs (CFDA) said last week that the troubled rabies vaccine no longer exists in the Changsheng plant.

The company admitted to having sent a secondary vaccine of inferior quality

Vaccines against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus did not meet the quality standards established by the regulatory bodies and the company has sold 250,000 vaccines to Shandong Province last year. They are now more inclined to exchange information online to obtain imported vaccines.

"The Changchun Changsheng scandal threatens China's efforts to encourage locally made medicines on the international market," wrote Viola Rothschild. Asian Studies, cited CNN .

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He stated that the plan "Made in China 2025" was aimed to reorganize the pharmaceutical industry so that China does not rely on imported drugs. ] In the Changchun Changsheng Company's 2017 annual report submitted to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the company claims to have sold products to more than 10 countries such as India and Cambodia.

In addition, the products are imported to Nigeria, Egypt and Belarus. , Africa, Middle East and other South America.

According to the report, Changchun Changsheng sells products worth more than 36 million yuan, or about Rp 77 billion (current exchange rate) by 2017.

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