Scientists at the University of Alabama discover how to overcome aging


– Scientists from the University of Alabama, Birmingham, UK, have managed to find a way to eliminate the signs of aging, including wrinkles and hair loss.

In the results published in the journal Cell Death & Disease, Friday (7/19/2010), the expert was able to kill the mutations that cause the symptoms of aging in mice.

To survive, human cells consist of 90% of the chemical energy produced by the mitochondria.

However, as the age of mitochondrial function declines, according to experts, diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and neurological disorders are due to the age factor caused by the loss of life. Mitochondrial DNA.

To prove this, experts activate mitochondrial mitochondrial mutations in mice

In just four weeks, mouse hairs began to fall, appeared gray, and became lethargic.

(19659002) Intrinsic Aging

Intrinsic Aging [1965900]]

Intrinsic Aging

Intrinsic Aging

According to expert observations, female rats have more severe wrinkles than rats males. {
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