Scientists discover 1,000 trillion tons of diamonds below the surface of the Earth

[ad_1] – A group of international research teams has just detected a large number of diamonds under the surface of the earth

The team made up of scientists from Harvard, Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the University of California and various colleges. (19659002) In their report published in the journal Geochemistry, Geophysics, researchers discovered 1,000 billion tons of diamonds scattered far from the surface of the earth

"This shows that even though diamonds are not but this gemstone is pretty common, "said Ulrich Faul, an MIT researcher cited by Business Insider on Tuesday (17/07/2018).

Although the number of diamonds that are there a lot, but according to Faul, we can not get it.

"We can not get it, but there are still more diamonds than we thought before."

Use Seismic Data

Scientists used global data from the US United States Geological Survey,

These trillions of diamonds were derived from research on the seismic anomalies they carried out.These data were originally used to trace the origin of the earthquake

The result, at a certain point of the earth's crust called cratons, the sound waves travel faster than expected.

Read also: And the stretches of diamonds

For information, cratons are a stable part of the earth's crust and mantle that is usually found within the tectonic plates.Cratons are generally less dense and colder than the surrounding parts of the Earth. 19659002 ] Summary of Newsweek Monday (16/07/2018), it makes the sound waves move faster as they pbad through. Although fast, sound waves are generally not as fast as seismic waves.

To test the material that makes sound waves pbad through the crater quickly, scientists create virtual models of rocks. with abnormal seismic waves moving through the crater.

The stone contains one to two percent of diamonds. Apparently, the diamond is beneficial to the cratons to keep it stable and prevent it from drowning.

1,000 Trillion Tons of Diamonds

Researchers also estimate the number of diamonds in the cratons

kratonic diamonds combined with its total volume across the Earth.

Reported from Sky News Tuesday (07/17/2018), the number of about 1,000 trillion tons of diamonds is spread over 241 kilometers below the surface

This Diamond Depth is what makes it impossible to take with the technology of today.

The deepest human forest ever made is Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia. This hole takes 20 years to reach a depth of 12 kilometers

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However, researchers did not want his studies to stop like this. They also discover how some diamonds can come out of the cratons.

They say, volcanic eruptions that carry diamonds to the surface of the earth. The volcano "creates" a kimberlite pipe, which can spit magma and diamonds.

Scientists say it makes sense if diamonds are found in cratons. This is because kimberlite pipes are found on the edge of the kratonic root.

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