Scientists map the genome to help koalas


Genome Mapping Helps Scientists Develop Chlamydia Viruses

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SYDNEY – Scientists Map Koala Genome to Help Australian Expert in Fighting Disease Epidemic bacterial chlamydia. Genome mapping could help researchers develop better vaccines.

Researchers at the Koala Genome Consortium, a team of 54 Australian and international scientists, said they have sequenced more than 3.4 billion base pairs and more than 26,000 genes in the genome. genome of the koala. "We are in an excellent position now to develop better vaccines to treat them," said Katherine Belov, a professor of genomes compared to the University of Sydney, quoted by Reuters. Reuters ] Belov and his colleagues published their research in the journal Nature Genetics on Monday (3/7).

In the absence of treatment, chlamydia infection can result in blindness, severe inflammation of the bladder, infertility and death in koalas. Antibiotic treatment often makes it difficult to digest eucalyptus leaves by koalas, a staple food.

"Over time, we will understand why some animals cure chlamydia and why others do not. "The Australian koala is clbadified as a vulnerable species in a conservation measure by 2012.

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