Scientists succeed in overcoming aging and the return of young people


BANGKAPOS.COM – Scientists from the University of Alabama, Birmingham, England, have managed to find a way to eliminate the signs of aging, including wrinkles and the hair loss.

In the results published in the journal Disease the expert managed to kill the mutations that cause the symptoms of aging in mice, [20.09.2010]

To survive, human cells represent 90% of the chemical energy produced by the mitochondria.

Increasing age of diminished mitochondrial function, eventually showing the symptoms of aging such as wrinkles and hair loss.

According to experts, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and neurological disorders related to aging.

prove it, experts activate the mutation of mitochondrial decrease in mice.

In just four weeks, the hairs of the mice begin to fall, appear gray, and they become (19659002) Between four and eight weeks later, the skin of the mice began to wrinkle.

According to expert observations, female rats have more severe wrinkles than male rats

aging, as well as extrinsic aging or aging caused by smoking and exposure to the sun .

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