Search results, people who Doyan Donat easy depression, this explanation


JAKARTA – If you include people who like to eat donuts, you should start reducing them. Because, often eating donuts can be harmful to your health. Dipip from, donuts are foods rich in sugar and fat. If it is consumed in the long term, it can cause obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease and various other diseases. The study indicates that people who love to eat donuts easily experience depression.Dilansir Boldsky, Thursday (12/7 / 2018), a group of researchers from the University Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain, conducted a study to find the connection between donuts and depression. The results revealed that people who consume donuts more than 2-3 times a month, about 48% experience depression, compared to people who never consume donuts.In addition, the study also showed only in depressed people, then eat donuts, can worsening of one's mental health. Studies also suggest that trans fats, unhealthy sugars and margarine found in donuts can cause inflammation in the brain. As a result, depression is a serious mental illness, characterized by symptoms that make a person sad, desperate and mentally depressed in the long run. Depression is usually triggered by hormonal changes, such as dopamine and serotonin, and in some cases, depression can also be caused by unhealthy lifestyles. Like a poor diet, lack of exercise, as well as heredity. You must be aware of the risk of this mental disorder because of its terrible effects. ***

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