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See Circumcuts of the Body of the Colors and Urines That Follow
TRIBUNJOGJA.COM – Many chronic diseases appear suddenly, without any symptoms.
However, there are now simple tips for detecting diseases in the body.
One can notice the color and aroma of the urine.
There are so many health problems in the urine.
indicating that there have been a number of problems that have occurred in your body.
Here are some health signs that can be seen from your own urine.
1. You Can Suffer From Diabetes
The urine that has a slightly fragrant scent like honey may be an indication of diabetes mellitus.
When an excess of sugar in the blood gets into the urine, it will affect your urine.
This is to verify that diabetes urologists want to do a blood test and not a urine test.
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See Body Condition of Colors and Urine here
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