See, causes of diabetes Patients have various complications


See, causes of diabetes Patients have various complications
Illustration of diabetes mellitus – special, JAKARTA – Diabetics can suffer from various complications, ranging from heart disease to a rotting leg. How can this happen?

Endocrinologist of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Indonesia, Dr. Dante Saksono H. SpPD-KEMD, PhD stated that heart attacks in diabetics are due to fat accumulation in the coronary arteries, causing a slight blood flow.

"In diabetics, there is an accumulation of fat, the wall (coronary vessels) becomes small, the hole becomes smaller and becomes more clogged.If diabetes is uncontrolled, heart disease can increase 2 to 4 times, 75 80% die of heart disease and blood vessels, "he said in Jakarta on Wednesday (10/25/2018).

If there is a blockage in the blood vessels of the eye or even if there is bleeding in the retina, there will be a disturbance in the view. This is why diabetics experience interference in their vision.

In the legs, blood flow in people with diabetes is blocked. At first, they felt pain or tingling in the legs. In addition to numbness, some people also complain of sores and ulcers on the feet that do not heal.

This condition is due to high blood sugar which can eventually cause nerve damage. While the drug can not work because it is unable to reach the intended organ.

"It's what ends with a rotten and amputated foot," said Dante.

Under normal conditions, the sugar that enters the body through food enters the digestive tract and then into the body's organs such as the liver, muscle cells in the form of energy.

The sugar that turns into energy enters various organs of the body through a funnel called insulin. In diabetics, this funnel does not work, it may be due to resistance or lack of function.

"Sugar can not penetrate (into the body's organs) and accumulate in the blood cells die of starvation, people with diabetes, kidney cells, heart cells and nerves are damaged because they do not get energy, "Dante said.

Source: Between

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