See TBBM preparation Ampenan salutes IMF and World Bank program

[ad_1], Ampenan – The consumption of oil / BBM in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) begins to move from Premium to Pertalite and Pertamax. The head of the oil exploitation of Pertamina (Pertamina), La Imbo, explained that this happened because the public awareness began to change of consumption.

NTB's largest fuel consumption this year is still dominated by Premium. The number reached 100.489 kiloliters. "The growth in the use of Pertamina and Peramax is very encouraging because, compared to last year, Premium's consumption has dropped seven percent," said La Imbo on Friday (13/7 ). / 2018)

The growth of Pertalite and Pertamax is inversely proportional. Disability increased 54.54 percent, while Pertamax rose 22.29 percent. This is because people are diverting the use of Premium to Pertalite and Pertamax.

"TBBM Ampenan still depends on the regular supply of Depo Manggis, Karangasem Regency, Bali for the Premium type, Pertalite and Pertamax Fuel, while the Avtur fuel is imported from STS Kalbut (19659002) under the conditions of Emergency Depo Pertamina Manggis can not be used, can still be provided from some alternative deposits such as Surabaya, Semarang and Cilacap.As for the refuge facility, The Imbo explains if TBBM Ampenan has 10 tanks for store BBM with a total capacity of 38 767 kiloliters

"Of this amount, the largest is the solar fuel of 15 354 kiloliters and the premium is 10 464 kiloliters," said La Imbo, El Imbo said that Institution is ready to host the IMF-World Bank event to be held in October to register ng in Bali. One of the preparations that he did was the Avtur stock At the world meeting, the fuel e of type Avtur was one of the most requested.

"Pertamina is ready, mainly in the Avtur stock, because Lombok is one of the destinations visited by delegates," said La Imbo

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