Served typical British Theresa for Trump


Trump is known only for American food.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON – The visit of US President Donald Trump to the United Kingdom has received mixed reviews. From the Baby Trump Balloon aimed at taunting him until the action refused Trump 's arrival.

Trump also provoked controversy because he was considered rude. He was found walking in front of Queen Elizabeth, something that violated ethics in England.

On the first day of his visit to England, Trump was treated to a sumptuous dinner at Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire. The dinner was organized by British Prime Minister Theresa May in the only castle in England that is not owned by royalty or churches.

Trump joined 150 guests at the official event. Including with business leaders and cabinet ministers, while protests over his visit continued across the country.

Curious about what Trump eats and other guests? The Trump article is known to love only American food.

Reported page Independent Saturday (14/7), the answer is no. The menu is truly English, offering American customers a taste of some of the most traditional foods in the UK.

Trump ate a smoked Scottish appetizer appetizer, followed by a Hereford beef fillet with potatoes for the main course. Then, a simple strawberry pudding with ice cream and shortbread.

Trump has a Scottish ancestor. His mother was born on the island of Lewis, Scotland. Most likely Trump will enjoy the appetizer and the shortbread menu.

When it comes to the main menu, the most pressing question is how is the beef cooked? Indirectly, the president loves his mature steak, considered the main mistake of many great chefs.

His pbadion for fast food is well known to the public. Several times took menus devouring McDonald's Trump, without eating bread. Or just eat half the bread.

Apparently, the president did not introduce a low-carb menu during the dinner-show. But, maybe he decided to savor the best British dish of Theresa May's dish.

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