Sexual abuse, the Honduran priest resigns


Pope Francis accepts the resignation of the Honduran priests

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TEGUCIGALPA – Pope Francis accepted the resignation of a Catholic priest in Honduras on Friday (20/7). The resignation came after allegations of badual abuse and financial affairs of the higher priest.

Father Juan José Pineda Fasquelle announced that the Pope had accepted his resignation in an open letter, saying that his departure would give him more time to pray and self-development. "If I've foiled, I'm sorry." Pinhal said in the letter, which was sent to reporters on Hondoras.

Italian Magazine The Espresso reported in December allegations that Pineda had abused tens of thousands of dollars from a Catholic university, as well as badual harbadment allegations that he was addressed by a seminarian

Pineda, who did not directly address these allegations against himself in the letter, said that he would continue to continue his public service despite his retirement as pastor of the diocese of Tegucigalpa

Pineda and Diocese Tegucigalpa was not willing to comment. Pineda, 57, is known as the Cardinal Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodrigues Maradiaga, influential. The cardinal is the great advisor of Pope Francis on the reform of the church.

From Sydney, Reuters reports that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said Thursday that Pope Francis should dismiss a bishop who has been convicted of concealing child badual abuse. Bishop Philip Wilson, aged 67, became in May the largest Catholic clergyman convicted of failing to disclose to the police officer the abuse committed by another priest.

Wilson was sentenced to a year earlier this month. He was no longer the bishop of Adelaide in the state of South Australia, but he did not resign because he was still appealing.

Turnbull, who had previously asked Wilson to resign, condemned Wilson who still refused to back down. "I think it's now time for the highest authority in the church to act and dismiss it."

The diocese of Adelaide did not immediately comment on this. Wilson's attorney, who maintained his innocent client during his trial, contends that he does not know that James Fletcher's priest badually abused children in the 1970s.

Court was informed that two victims, an altar boy, stated that Wilson had not committed any abuse in 1976. Fletcher was convicted in 2014 of six cases of badual harbadment and is died in prison in 2006 after a stroke.

apply for bail while he is being examined by prison for being under house arrest, rather than in jail.

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