Side effects of reduced alcohol after eating these drinks


The consumption of alcohol is harmful to the health of your body. Even so, there are still many people who are sipping it.

In fact, there are people who drink too much and feel the side effects of alcoholic beverages.

For example, stomach nausea and craving to vomit. reduce the side effects of excessive alcoholic beverages, you can reduce by eating foods that can reduce the enzymes in the body.

In addition, these foods contain nutrients that not only reduce the impact of alcohol, but also prevent many health-related problems

Let's see which foods can reduce the side effects of this liqueur

1. Banana

  Eating bananas can improve mental health
Bananas (Wild Life)

Bananas contain potbadium that can reduce the level of alcohol in the body and reduce the side effects of alcohol. Achieve 5 unexpected benefits

2. Tomato juice

  Tomato juice.
Tomato juice. (

Tomato juice contains potbadium, folic acid and vitamins that reduce sugar levels in the body and reduce the effects of alcohol

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