Simpang organizes economic cooperation of Tangerang District Cikupa – VIVA


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VIVA – The Tangerang Regency Government is synergizing with private companies to build Simpang Susun Cikupa in order to increase the attractiveness of the Tangerang Regency as the center of Tangerang. activity and new economic growth. The establishment of the interchanges is expected to be completed by 2020.

The Acting Regent of the Tangerang Regency The city of Komaruddin, quoted in his official statement, revealed that his party fully supports the private role in the construction of these exchangers. While connectivity in the region could be better.

"Alhamdulillah today, we are doing the revolutionary development of Simpang Arun Cikupa.This development is clearly beneficial for Tangerang's future as an emerging field both economically and socially", did he declare. Komaruddin explained that Tangerang Region's infrastructure development fits into the central government's vision of continuing to promote economic development in various regions with the aim of creating new centers of economic growth in different regions, Tangerang

The construction of the Cikupa intersection also fits into one of the programs of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) to ensure a distribution equitable development results to reduce the gap between regions

. Road construction reaches 1,120 km, bridge construction reaches 10,029 meters, overflight construction, underpbad, tunnel reaches 1,467 meters, and the construction of the toll road reaches 670 km

"Development of Cikupa Interchange can bring new economic points.So hopefully, development of this region can at least create accessibility and connectivity between Jakarta, Tangerang and Merak ", said the director of highways, urban and road facilitation Local, Directorate General of Highways Ministry of PUPR Sugiyartanto

in 2020 is expected to increase connectivity and better integration, and strengthen the position of Tangerang Regency in the Jakarta-Tangerang-Merak toll road network. when the ease of access and circulation of the economy, goods and services will be more efficient.

This infrastructure will also be a significant added value for Tangerang New City – Suvarna Sutera and the surrounding communities of Tangerang District. Simpang Arrange Cikupa is seen as beneficial to the community and commercial activities by creating a more integrated area and, in the long term, will strengthen the Tangerang Regency's position as an engine of regional economic growth.

This is reinforced by the strategic location as it is surrounded by various infrastructure development projects that will support Tangerang's vision of the regency as a new axis of economic power. Some of these infrastructure projects are the Jakarta Outer Ring Road 2 toll road (JORR 2) and the MRT project

For information, the investment value of Simpang Cikupa's development is estimated at 500 billion rupees, which will be jointly developed by PT Alam Sutera Realty Tbk. and CFLD International.

PT Alam Sutera Realty Tbk is known as an integrated real estate development company that favors innovation to achieve a quality life. Through the development and management of housing, commercial areas, as well as the management of shopping centers and recreational areas or the development of integrated areas.

CFLD International is a global designer, designer and operator of large-scale industrial city concepts

The company has been involved in the creation of industrial cities capable of lifting people's lives and becoming a catalyst for economic development. Currently, CFLD International's projects are spread across 80 regions of the world

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