Six groups of foreign arts animate PKB


Denpasar (ANTARA News) – A total of six overseas art groups helped animate the 40th Bali Arts Festival which took place from 23 to 21 July 2018 in Taman Budaya, Denpasar

"said Dewa Putu Beratha, head of the Bali Cultural Bureau in Denpasar, Wednesday

. It details the participation of foreign countries that appear in this year's PKB of the traditional Japanese group. Kabuki Music Japan, Indian Cultural Center, Wadaiko Dream Team Japan, Asian Star Group Japan, Embbady of Peru and Guangxi Provincial Government of China

"We look forward to the participation of more foreign artists to give not only color to the art, as well as artists can also advertise Bali tourism because of course they will say so after they return home yes, "he said.

According to him, a lot of positive things that can be chosen from the appearance of foreign artists. "The art is not static and continues to grow, so that our artists can also see the progress and development of the art abroad, as well as the art. add a preview, "he said. Cultural Diplomacy and Unify Differences and Divisions That Exist Through the Arts

"Of course, they also helped boost the Balinese economy from foreign donations because of its presence in Bali, can be a Media campaign for relatives and relatives Meanwhile, the head of culture and culture of Disbud of Bali province, Ni Wayan Sulastriani, said last year that he had sent a letter of invitation to several consuls Negara Sahabat in Bali

. "To confirm their certainty of performing, about three to six months ago"

In an effort to give color, to increase the insight and appreciation of the Balinese people towards the arts, also given the opportunity to the participants of the art of the regions of the archipelago from outside the area came from the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Regency Bangkalan, East Java, Department of Culture and Tourism, Temanggung Regency, Central Java; Paguyuban Sedulur Blitar, East Java, and Batu Tourist Office Kota Malang, East Java

Do not miss the participation of Yayasan Ardhya Garini East Jakarta, ISI Yogyakarta, Balikpapan Arts Council of East Kalimantan, Bali Saraswati KPB Purantara Yogyakarta and SMKI Yogyakarta. 19659002] Department of Education and Culture of Tangerang City, Banten, Disbud Pemuda and Bima NTB Sports, New Regency Education Office of South Sulawesi Province, Disbud Magelang District Central Java, ISBI Tanah Papua and Bali's latest dance studio Wira Kencana.


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