Snoring can cause dementia


  Illustrations of a man at twilight who is disturbed by snoring

Illustrations of a man at twilight who is troubled by snoring |

Jenny Sturm / Shutterstock

Sleep disorders that cause gasping breathing may be related to changes in brain structures that lead to the early stages of dementia.

Dementia is a syndrome or group of symptoms of progressive decline. conversations, perform daily activities and live independently. In Indonesia, the condition is often simplified and popular under the name of dementia.

An estimated 50 million people in the world suffer from dementia, and the annual rate of new cases is just under 10 million people. About 60 to 70% of dementia cases are caused by Alzheimer's disease, a brain disease in which toxic proteins form

Sleep apnea is a term given when the airways are obstructed. to relax, commonly called snoring. During this process, a person may stop breathing and oxygen levels in the blood become reduced.

Sleep apnea affects 100 million people worldwide and new Australian research has shown that this condition can also be attributed to brain changes badociated with dementia

. The European Respiratory Journal author of the University of Sydney study, states that the results demonstrate that the examination of older people with obstructive sleep apnea ( OSA) and appropriate treatment can help prevent dementia in the groups.

Researchers at the Brain and Mind Center of the University of Sydney think that AOS is the most common form of this disease. May be related to narrowing of the temporal lobes of the brain, causing memory loss.

This condition is more common in the elderly population. Previously, he was also linked to other serious health problems, such as heart disease, stroke and even cancer.

In many cases, patients can be cured with the respiratory system that they wear while they sleep to prevent closure of the airways. The device is a CPAP motor – a fan and mask that gently pushes air into the lungs to keep the airways open.

"Between 30% and 50% of the risk of dementia is due to modifiable factors such as high depression, obesity, and smoking.In recent years, researchers have recognized that sleep disorders are also a risk factor for dementia, "said Professor Sharon Naismith of the University of Sydney, who led the study, Science Daily (4/7).

" We would like to look specifically at OSA and its impact on the brain and cognitive abilities. "

To conclude, the researchers involved 83 people aged 51 to 88 who shared their concerns with doctors but who did not Have no formal OSA diagnosis Each participant has the memory capacity and symptoms of depression to badyze, while MRIs measure different areas of the brain

In addition, everyone goes to a therapeutic sleep clinic where the signs of AOS are observed. Researchers use brain polysomnography, oxygen levels in the blood, heart rate, respiration and movement.

It has been found that en who have lower oxygen levels in their blood during sleep also have a thickness in the area of ​​the brain that is known to affect people with a diagnosis of dementia. The increase in thickness is also detectable in other parts of the brain, although researchers believe that it is the way the body reacts to lower oxygen levels.

Changes in this region of the brain contribute to the patient's difficulties. We chose to study this group because they are older and are considered at risk for dementia, "said Naismith." The results show that we need to screen for OSA in the elderly. We should ask older patients who come to the sleep clinic to measure their memory and thinking skills – and perform tests if necessary. "

There is currently no cure for dementia.However, early intervention is supposed to help treat cognitive conditions.AOS can be treated and cure can delay the symptoms badociated with dementia. dementia

Researchers are now seeking treatment sleep apnea that can help patients with mild cognitive impairment.

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