Today, Pkl. 07:58 WIB • Read: 41 times • http://www.mdn.biz.id/n/351461/
MedanBisnis – Jakarta. For
support sustainable infrastructure development programs,
Companies and Enterprises of the Ministry of State Enterprises (EE)
SOE Fund will bridge the financing needs of infrastructure projects with potential investors from public and private companies
"We are proud to support the creation of this state-owned enterprise because the development of infrastructure must continue to be stimulated, "said Minister of Public Enterprises Rini Soemarno in a written statement, Jakarta, Thursday, November 28, 1969. Rini explained an objective of the government's efforts to build infrastructure that aim to reduce logistics costs and to increase connectivity between the two countries.region.As a development agent, SOEs are fully committed to supporting the effort.Not only the physical support, SOEs are also encouraged to participate in the
In the Medium-Term Development Plan (MMPR) for the period 2014-2019, the government will increase the rate of electrification to 96.6% by building the plant so that the national electrical capacity reaches 71,000 megawatts (MW) by the end of 2019. [19659003] At the Late last year, the government managed to increase its electrical capacity beyond 54,000 MW. The government will also develop five major ports, expand 10 airports and build a 1,800 kilometer (km) toll road.
"Of course, the financing of all these infrastructure projects depends not only on the budget of the government and public enterprises, but also on the participation of private and other investors," said Mr. Rini
. (Persero) and PT Danareksa (Persero) through their subsidiaries to form a joint venture that will manage BUMN Fund with several potential shareholders such as Asuransi Jasindo, ASABRI, Jasa Raharja, Taspen, Askrindo and Jamkrindo. This joint venture is called PT Bandha Investasi Indonesia.
"Through this state-funded program, we believe that accelerating national development can be accomplished to enhance economic growth.The system should be a solution for more structured funding infrastructure, while optimizing the management of public funds, projects and portfolio, "said Rini. (dtf)
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