Splendor of Indonesian Hajj uniforms | ihram.co.id


Report of the journalist Republika, Fitriyan Zamzami of Medina, Saudi Arabia.

IHRAM.CO.ID, MADINAH – In general, Indonesian pilgrims come to the Holy Land with blue-green batik. Nevertheless, many also include features from each region. Given the diversity of the country's culture, it has become a living spectacle.

Jamaah from Pemalang who arrived by Solo Embarkation, for example, some faithful came wearing a typical blangkon from Central Java. "Let it be other, and cool," said Hashim (45), originally pilgrims Pemalang at Amir Muhammad bin Abdulaziz airport yesterday. He said that the idea of ​​wearing a blangkon came purely from pilgrims.

As the Fourth Kloter pilgrims from Lombok Embarkation came to Medina in the Ages (22/7) with a lighter suit. The woman was wearing a kind of blazer, and the guy in a light brown suit. A pilgrim said that the uniform had been provided by the local government.

Others wear uniforms for more practical purposes. Among them, black and white striped shirt uniforms belonging to the Malang pilgrims who arrived at Embarkasi Surabaya. "Let me know if it's separated," said Subekti, a congregation of Malang at the Nabawi Mosque on Monday (23/7). He said that the uniform had been distributed by the Hajj Orientation Group (KBIH) to identify members of his group.

Others use more subtle markers such as black and yellow striped South Sulawesi pilgrims' hats or scarves of certain colors. The uniforms and uniforms of Indonesian clothing undoubtedly invite the curiosity of pilgrims from other countries.

At the Quba Mosque, for example, it seems that the Turkish faithful are curious about the black caps of the country and ask to take pictures. The Jama & A-jamaah of Southeast Asia like India, Pakistan and Afghanistan have not asked for a small photo together.

Hery Saripudin, RI General Consul in Jeddah, said that the implementation of the pilgrimage is a potential event to promote tourism. Last year, Indonesia deliberately stuck to an advertisement on a shalawat bus carrying pilgrims to attract tourists to Indonesia. "I can not say that buses are the factor, but indeed Saudi tourists have jumped this year," he told Medina. n

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