Sri Mulyani wants efficiency, the budget ceiling K / L 2019 decreased by 8.8 trillion Rp


ILLUSTRATION. Askolani, Director General of the Budget Ministry of Finance

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The government, through the Ministry of Finance and the Budget Agency of the House of Representatives, approved the indicative budget ceiling of ministries or institutions (K / L) for the preparation APBN 2019 financial ratings rising to 838.6 trillion rupiahs. The amount was down by 8.8 trillion rupees, or 1.05% of the K / L budget set at the 2018 AVNB of 847.4 trillion rupiahs.

General Manager of the Ministry of Finance Askolani said that the decrease in budget budget K / L next year is in accordance with the direction of Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati that the government must make budget efficiency. The efficiency in question Askolani, especially on the purchase of goods.

"We are reviewing more buying products," he said after a meeting with Banggar DPR on Wednesday (4/7). The efficiency is maintained, almost done to all K / L.

Meanwhile, the expenditure of property in question, namely in the form of official travel expenses, expenses of honoraria, and other routine expenses. "A productive business event of course that we will also lead, not all digelontorkan, but there must be a follow-up badessment of the activity," he added.

With respect to capital expenditures, the company is still seeking an increase over the target year in the 2018 NBPA. However, the increase is also being pursued by the government to maintain balancing other needs, such as social badistance (bansos).

Askolani pointed out that the decline in K / L spending does not hamper the optimization of K / L performance. According to him, if K / L is more efficient and can provide multiplier effect so it will be better.

Clearly, the indicative ceiling is still possible to change if later there are calculations that with new databases. After the indicative ceiling, said Askolani, later it will be done budget ceiling.

Reporter: Adinda Ade Mustami
Publisher: Barratut Taqiyyah Rafie


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