Start Culinary Driven Develop Marketing


Joshua Puji Mulia Simandjuntak (center), Marketing Assistant of Bekraf (Creative Economy Agency), met with one of the Kreatifood participants at Atrium Mall Ciputra World Surabaya , Friday 27/7/2018.

KANALSATU – Start up or business heels in the culinary field are invited to further develop the market. During this marketing of production in the culinary field is even more in the region only.

While in terms of quality actually has the potential to be marketed abroad. "When seen, it feels quite universal, so everyone would like it.Therefore, we help to find people as partners who want to develop the business of the creative participants," said Joshua Puji Mulia Simandjuntak , Bekraf's marketing badistant, after the opening of Kreatifood at Atrium Ciputra World Surabaya mall, Friday (27/07/2018) 19659003] Creative 2018 that took place from July 27 to 29 shows 95 pioneering efforts in the culinary domain that escaped the curation of Bekra.In this case, producers not only have the opportunity to sell their products, but also to offer their business to potential investors.

With this event is expected to open the Joshua recognized in this marketing division that there are two possibilities that are being realized.

"One of these creative activities, to create dimensions and also realize the intersection. So, in reality, this creative event is not just selling products. I've had a walk to talk with some of the participants actually offered here is a business opportunity business and for those who come to attend other than to taste this is actually a great opportunity. invest because here the products that are exposed here come from "said Josua.

Joshua said, Bekra provides funding of Rp 6 billion for all startups consisting of cooking, digital applications, games and crafts. "The fund is called" Government Incentive Assistance "(BIP). Later, there will be three winners selected this year to be a priority FIP next year. According to existing data, the contribution of GDP to the creative economy of the culinary sub-sector in 2016 is the best based on the special survey of the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) which reached 41.4%. . In 2016, the value of culinary exports increased by 6.92% to 1,206 million US dollars, or 1,179 million US dollars.

One of the companies exported is the product of Red Ginger and Turmeric Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Berdikari Wonosobo. "We export to the Netherlands, Suriname, Malaysia, Thailand and several other countries, but not a container at the moment, we hope that this presence in Surabaya will be able to meet investors who are likely to bring more of our exports of herbal drinks, "said KWT chairman Berdikari Wonosobo, Sudaryati. (KS-5)

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