Statement # 2019SupportPresident Travel to Sydney, Mardani: Continuous Road – VIVA


VIVA – Politician PKS Mardani Ali Sera Attends Seminar and Volunteer Statement # 2019 Replaces Presidents at Wiley Park, Sydney, Australia, Sunday, July 22, 2018.

Mardani said, his side will continue to walk and do not be afraid to move the call # 2019ChangePresident. "Yes, yesterday, the statement of the volunteers in Sydney, the road continues, not the problem.These days return to Jakarta," said Mardani when contacted VIVA Monday, July 23, 2018.

Mardani added, in the statement followed by about 100 an Indonesian citizen domiciled in Sydney. In addition, he said, there were also students who joined the statement

"There are students too, the statement in a barbecue in the beautiful Wiley Park, the atmosphere is solemn and cheerful with the spirit of "201Paris".

Read: Although Diteror, Mardani continues to replace the president in 2019

On Mardani's Twitter account, @MardaniAliSera, he boasts of the #'s move 2019SupportPresident in Sydney According to him, volunteers in carrying out this declaration volunteered to include the fund.

He claims that the movement's appeal will continue in several cities of the world, including Qatar [19659008] previously, the alleged terror of the Molotov badtail at the residence of Mardani Ali Will be on Thursday, July 19, 2018. Despite not wanting to speculate on this bottom of terror, Mardani insisted on continuing to call # 2019GantiPresiden.

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