Stay awake Diphtheria


The Chief of Disease Prevention and Control, Bondowoso Pasidi Shidiq, explains that the diphtheria vaccine can be used safely. The vaccine produced by Bio Farma has been used in 136 countries. While most countries that use Bio Farma vaccine is a Muslim country.

He explains that there are four stages of vaccination against diphtheria in Bondowoso. "The first immunization against diphtheria was done, and now he has started implementing second-round vaccination," he said. While the third and fourth cycles are done in order after the second stage of the vaccination is over.

Bondowoso District Health Office emphasized the importance of following immunization to prevent diphtheria that is currently endemic and a special focus of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) RI. "To prevent diphtheria caused by viruses, with vaccination," said Kabid Pasidi Shidiq.

He said that this year there are about 300 cases of diphtheria in East Java (East Java). In Bondowoso, there was a case of diphtheria but it was successfully cured. In such cases, it is known that the patient has not been immunized. "In 2017, there was a case," he added.

Pasidi explains, diphtheria is a type of disease caused by a virus and does not know the age. In severe cases, patients are rarely helped and categorized as dangerous. Therefore, community involvement in the inclusion of their children under immunization is an important consideration as in 2011, there were 46 cases of diphtheria in Bondowoso.

In 2011, Indonesia experienced extraordinary events (KLB) of diphtheria. There were 3,353 cases of diphtheria and 110 people died. In Bondowoso itself, in 2012 there are 19 cases, then in 2013 there are 15 cases, in 2014 there are 7 cases, 2015 there are 3 cases, and 2016 no cases of diphtheria. In 2017, there is only one case of diphtheria.

(jr / hud / aro / das / JPR)

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